Mental Health

The key to a better quality of life is in the mind.

The Key to a Better Quality of Life is in the Mind

Your mental health can be affected by many factors from your day-to-day life including the stress of balancing work, health, and personal relationships. According to the Canadian Mental Health Association, everyone experiences periods of negative mental health at some point in their life.

Sometimes those negative periods are brought on by the stresses of life, and other times they’re related to mental health conditions like anxiety and mood disorders. But no matter what the cause, a negative mental state can impact just about everything you do.

The good news is that mental health services can be very effective. Treatments like talk therapy can teach you valuable self-management skills and help you turn the corner on your negative mental health periods.

That’s why we have mental health specialists available to help you. You can come to one of our pharmacy locations, or get help right from your smartphone with our virtual health services. Our specialists have experience treating a wide range of mental health issues and will be more than happy to help you.


We Help People



Therapy can identify your triggers for depression, teach you techniques to overcome it, provide useful feedback, and give more positive solutions for dealing with life’s challenges.


Eating Disorders

Mental health therapy is considered the most important part of treating eating disorders. It can help you monitor your eating patterns and get rid of your unhealthy habits.



Mental health treatment can help with anxiety disorders by identifying unhelpful thoughts or distortions in the way you see things. It also provides techniques for self-soothing and emotion regulation.


Suicidal Feelings

Therapy can help restore your hope, address the issues that lead to your suicidal feelings, and give you methods for coping with those feelings if they return.

Our Insurance Partners

Our services are usually covered by insurance at little or no cost to you. Check with your company or insurance provider to understand your coverage.


We want to make sure all your questions are answered! So here are some frequently asked questions. If there’s still anything that you’re wondering about, feel free to contact us.

We can offer mental health services from a wide range of specialists including counsellors, psychologists, and psychotherapists.

We can tailor our mental health treatments to suit your schedule and needs. Once you speak to our specialists, they may refer you for an assessment and then work with you to begin a treatement plan.

We want to help you get back to optimal well-being overall and we make it convenient for you to do so. If the stress of everyday life is weighing on your mental state, we make sure that getting help is totally stress-free.